
Do you want to help build Kubeapps?

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Check out GitHub

You can follow the work we do, be part of on-going discussions, and examine our improvement ideas on the GitHub project page.

If you are a newcomer, check out the good first issue label in the repository.

If you are ready to jump in and add code, tests, or help with documentation, follow the guidelines in the contributing documentation.

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Join our Slack channel

Join the #kubeapps channel on the Kubernetes Slack and talk to us and over 400 other community members.

If you aren't already a member on the Kubernetes Slack workspace, please request an invitation.

We love discussing various Kubernetes workflows, patterns, helping with design and issues.

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Bi-weekly meetings

Kubeapps Community Meetings are held every two Mondays at 10:30AM UTC

Add the ics invitation to your calendar.